Friday, December 19, 2008

New photos

I know I have posted alot of new blogs. I wanted to post photos of Christian it is very rare when we can take pictures of him because he is never around it seems. But here are some of him and cameron playing around. It is fun to see being that they are so far apart in ages They get along so well.

Cameron made a hut in the backyard. He loves to create things.Cameron getting his first soccer trophy at skate world. Snow day 2008 It is so beautiful watching it fall. I love the snow. Cayden choir concert. He is in choir this year and loves it. Brian making a fire. I love to have a fire in the fireplace. Again Where's Christian? I will post photos of him soon. LOL

random photos

Here are some random photos.

Hello All!

I have not posted a blog in so long. I even have been tagged Im not sure what that means but it looks fun. I am not very computer literate it is not my specialty. I dont know how to link to other people. I will write 7 random things about myself but then I am not sure how to send it off to others anyway here goes.
1. I can never sleep on christmas eve. I have been this way since I was young, I get so excited I cant sleep.
2. I love to wake up at the crack of dawn and read and drink my coffee before anyone wakes up.
3. I am addicted to starbucks and coffee in general.
4. I have not had my natural hair color since high school. I love to change it all the time.
5. I have to talk to my sis on the phone everyday or every other. We are really close when we were little I hated for her to leave to go to friends I always had to go.This drove her nuts.(sorry sis)
6. One I am not proud of I repeated 8th grade.I never cared for school. Since kindergarten. I dreaded school EVERY DAY.
7. Someday I want to backpack through Europe. After I retire Brian and I want to be campground hosts at all the national parks.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

two other kids

Its so funny reading past blogs I have written. You would think I only Have one child. I write of Cameron a lot. I think the reason for this is Cayden and Christian are always off doing things. It seems sometimes Cameron is the only one. Last night Cayden went with friends to a football game and Christian was at a football game also. Brian, Cam and I went to dinner It felt so weird for it to be just the three of us. I am sure this is gonna continue on. Christian is talking about where he wants to go to college and he wants to get a place with a friend, that is gonna be so hard. I am sure he will be home for dinner about five nights a week being he does'nt know how to cook and will be a broke college student, although we may be broke too, being we have to pay for college. Anyone want to have us for dinner? Oh and did I mention Cayden is embarrassed of me. Funny story I took him to school to go to the book fair and he told me not to get out of the car I said "are you embarrassed of your mother?" He replied "Yes I am!"
Well the time has come. Good ole seventh grade. Well I guess I cant blame him I probably would have tripped getting out of the car or something. Anyways I am rambling. Thanks for rambling.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today I had the opportunity to volunteer in Cameron's class. Of course he remained on his best behavior while I was there I was very proud. I hope I can continue to do this on a weekly basis being he has had some challenges so far in 1st grade. I Know he will continue to do well. Although He came home today and confessed he said a Bad Word! Apparently no one heard He claims he said it under his breath. I told him it is not appropriate to say bad words, it is disrespectful and the Lord doesnt like it. Next time say Shishkabob or Sugar (now you know what word he said it starts with sh) Oh no boy do I have trouble on my hands. We will just nib this is the bud.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Blogging is a very interesting thing. I realized sometime I write just what is on my mind although this can be very dangerous and quick to hurt someones feelings. Looking back I hope that this blog has never offended anyone. It is interesting because just as your tongue can be very sharp also your mind and what our thoughts are and how they come out on paper. I am so thankful and grateful to God that his thoughts are not our thoughts. Cameron is learning about forgiveness in Sunday school and I realized this is a lesson that we all need daily. While reading my bible this morning I came across this verse "We will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever." Micah 4:5
Amen what a hope we have in our Lord. Everything about this world will crumble around us but with God we stand firm. Thank you Lord for saving me!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tip of the day

As you know we all get so busy and housework becomes daunting. It is hard to stay on task. I did something tonight and thought I would share although, Im sure all of you have a system that works I found this worked well not even one person complained. I had each child put away 5 dishes and Cameron put away the silverware it was awesome.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Business Man

Cameron is going to be a business man. He always wants to make a buck. Brian asked if he could get 2$ from his piggy bank. Cameron said yes but only if he pays him back 4$. He also just asked me if he could sell pencils at school. Anyone want to buy some pencils? You could probably negotiate the price!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Biggest Loser

I love the Biggest Loser show. It totally inspires me, Although I am not obese I truly have a heart for folks that are. The people on the show work so hard and are away from their families just to better their lives. God Bless them. It makes me just cry. I have a passion for nutrition and exercise although I do not work out everyday It is always on my mind to eat better and to exercise more. I love the way it makes me feel to work up a sweat. Here's to the biggest Loser. May the best win!

Monday, October 6, 2008

busy lives

I have not blogged in so long. I am such a busy person right now. I thrive on business for whatever reason I love to be on the go all the time. I think it is ADD. Right now we have soccer, gymnastics, and Cayden and Christian are both on a fall baseball league. Here are some pics of cam soccer. It is so fun to watch 6 and 7 year olds on the field chasing the ball I get a kick out of it. He is loving it too. This is a random blog but wanted to update what it is we are up to. Well time to fix supper Hello everyone!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I do not know if anyone has noticed but groceries are out of the roof. I went to the store this afternoon, I am one who clips coupons, plans my meals and adds as I go through the store. I only do this because I have a definite budget I need to stick with as I am sure a lot of people do. Raising 3 boys I am sure does not help matters, but to not even get out of the store under 200.00 is ridiculous. I am so frustrated that a jar of spaghetti sauce is 3.19 I used to spend 1.52 on the same jar. What is happening in our world that middle class families cannot even barely get by anymore. I do not know how people raise families during these times to have to worry about the food that we spend and forget healthy that is not an option, Produce alone is a whole paycheck. I am so mad by the whole thing. If someone has any suggestions on how to save at the store please leave a comment. Thanks for reading my blog.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Football season

I live with four boys. These four boys all love sports It doesn't matter what it is Football, Baseball, basketball, Hockey. If it is a competition it is on. I learned to love sports myself Football is my favorite. I love Sundays just relaxing with some snacks and watching a game with my boys. Here's to Football Season.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Brian!

Happy Birthday to you! We have been together most of our lives and now to be 34 years old. The time has flown past. We are getting old. Have a great day Brian! We will be enjoying dinner at our favorite restaurant RED ROBIN!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

School starting soon!

Okay! Well there is five more sleeps until school starts! Very bittersweet about the whole thing! my children need the routine back, also if they are together one more day I may not have three children anymore. The food in the house may last a little more than a day. And they are all in school full day which means when I have a day off during the week, I will have a full day to myself AMEN! This also means Homework, busy schedules, Staying on task every minute of every day. AAHH life with children! Welcome back to school!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

grocery shopping

Coming back from vacation Knowing I have to go back to work and in desperate need of groceries being the boys are home with not any food and cannot find the time to go to the store I heard about ordering groceries online but have never tried it. This would be the time. I placed an order with New Seasons you can either have them delivered or pick up. I ordered for pickup. This is awesome. You order online, you can choose a recipe and then add items to your cart. Pay,and put time of pickup. You then call to say you are on your way and they meet you in the parking lot with groceries in tow. This is my kind of Shopping! I will be doing this more often. It costs 4.95 totally worth it!

Monday, August 11, 2008

vacation pics

we had a great time! very eventful. The beach, disneyland, Angel baseball game, Los Osos, CA to see my family and to celebrate my mom 60th Birthday!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Im on vacation! Im on Vacation! Yes it finally arrived. We are heading to Vegas tonight Tomorrow we will see Beatles love Cirque de Soleil I cannot wait! We are going to see our family in Cali! Heres to great times to be had! Peace Out!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend adventure

I just got back from the greatest weekend. I met my in laws down in gold beach, oregon we rode jerry's jet boats excursion. Unfortunatley Brian did'nt get to go with us He has been working crazy hours so he had to work the whole weekend so really it wasn't the same without him. But we still had a great time. We stayed at the Gold Beach inn right on the ocean it is just another beautiful place in the great Northwest. We ate at great restaurants and did some visiting. It was a great time I will soon be posting some pics. I have the best Mother and Father in law in the world. I am so blessed to have them in my life. They take the kids home with them for part of the summer. The kids get so spoiled and just love spending time with their grandpa and grandma. We will be on our vacation in exactly two weeks I cannot wait!

Friday, July 4, 2008


7 days until Cayden and Cam leave to Grandmas and 22 days until we leave for our very needed vacation. Bri and I will be first stopping in Vegas And then flying to Cali to spend time with family and to visit disneyland. My family lives all over the state of California so we will be spending time all over. I miss my family alot. My sis and I are very close we talk every morning on the phone. She has two kids who I miss terribly. Christian will be bringing a friend this year which will be great for him. He chose not to go to grandmas this year ( I think he is regretting it a little this year) he wont admit it! He and a friend will be flying together. I cant wait to go on Vacation!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Summer finally came in Oregon. It is so beautiful. I enjoy this time of year although I love seasons in all. In California I cant say that I ever experienced true seasons. In Oregon all seasons exist. I really love the fall the leaves change the weather is gorgeous and I love the winter too! I do not mind the cold or the rain. But when it rains it surely pours and does not stop. But I was ready for summer to arrive FO SHO! I love to soak up the sun ,it is wonderful. I know come September I will be ready for the fall. Another reason why God is so good. Because He knows we need change in our lives so he gave us seasons. I know I am rambling on. So enjoy the season of barbecues, picnics, garage sales (did I say garage sales), swimming (my fav), mowing the lawn (did I say that too!) You know all the things that you can enjoy outside. Have a Fabulous summer!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What a night!

I got rid of my kids for the night and didnt even try! How awesome is that? It is great to have family in town. It is a break for us ,and our family just enjoys spending time with the kids and the boys enjoy spending time with their aunts and uncles. I just thought I would share Go to go now, we are heading out on a date!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Abba Zabba

Abba Zabba = a delicious peanut butter filled taffy. A delightful candy! I love Abba Zabba's they are my favorite candy bar. Brian brought one home for me last night. If you haven't tried one give it a whirl.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Cameron loves to give massages its so funny because his little hands wrap around your shoulders and he squeezes. He said to me "Mom, do you know what massages do to your bones?" I said no he said they make them soft which makes them feel good. I wish they stayed little. Life is so entertaining with little ones around. I got to go, Ive got to get back to the massage therapist.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Graduation day!

Today is huge! The Big Kindergarten graduation ceremony. Yep thats right I pronounce Cameron Thomas Randall is promoting to first grade! Yippee! It is such a funny time advancing from kindergarten only going a couple days a week. (well thats how they do it here in Oregon) to now everyday all day in first grade. Man the years fly by. It is also a big day for Cayden tomorrow he will be moving forward to middle school (scary). Talk about a scary time this is when you start to lose touch a little bit the independence starts to really kick in you lose the relationship with the teacher because they now have multiple teachers and you really gotta watch the friends thing. The teachers expect them to be responsible which is good but sometimes a challenge also. They now are responsible to write all their homework NO More Packets or homework sheets. I think he will do great! Christian will be a senior next year now when that graduation happens you better turn on youtube you will see me doing some back hand springs for sure. Christian always had a little harder time, He gets by, but he has to try a little harder (another great trait from the mama). Anyways another school year is coming to a close, I look forward to a great summer but I am sure when august comes I will be more than ready to send them back to school. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


This brought tears to my eyes.

Here is my cardboard testimony. What is yours?

Monday, June 2, 2008


I do not know about anyone else but I cannot wait for summer to arrive. I am looking forward to the boys getting out of school This means not anymore homework for awhile and not waking up at the crack of dawn, or making lunches every morning just good old relaxing fun. We will be taking vacation to see our folks in Cali and disneyland some camping trips. and I look forward to the Change in weather. This has been the longest rainy season in Oregon since we have lived here. It is hard to wake up in the morning when the sky is so dreary. It is funny the sunshine really does put a spring in your step. When the sun comes up I am ready to get on with the day but when it is dreary it is hard to get motivated. So come on sunshine! Just NINE more days of school left! Here is to a happy summer. Thank you for reading my blah blah blah!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Gods perfect plan

Jeremiah 29: 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

I have been praying about the plan God has for me. Tonight while doing my devotion this happened to be the verse God gave to me (incredible) It is amazing how God speaks to us through his word. He says wait on him, continue to live life, but to seek him and his plan while waiting and he will answer in his time. God has assured me to continue with my idea and he will give me the resources. He put something on my heart a few months ago in regards to my future I just do not know how to grab a hold of it just yet. I think I am getting closer. I know I am rambling but this is a very exciting time and I wanted to share Gods great word. and to let you know He does have the perfect plan.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

sunny day

Here in Oregon we take advantage when it is nice and sunny. Cayden and Cameron were out of school on friday we had a great day at the park. We had a picnic, Cam rode his bike, and Cayden played tennis with a friend what a great day!

Friday, May 16, 2008


Its another sunny day in Oregon! Wooooooo Hooooooo

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

work smork

I have to go back to work today after having four days off. EXCRUCIATING. I have such mixed emotions about work some days I enjoy it some days I want to be home. Being that I work every weekend it makes it even harder because the family is home on the weekends. When I get one off you better believe We take FULL advantage of it. Housework out the door. Enough rumbling about that. This is pretty randim but as a busy mom I find it hard to do a devotion every day I try to wake very early before the kids so that I could have quiet time with the lord. I found two great books to help me with that I highly recommend them. The Busy Moms devotional author Lisa T. Bergren, and The Busy Moms guide to wisdom both excellent. I love to journal and these books are great for that. I know I am rambling just wanted to add some thoughts today. Have a great day all time to get the kids up and started with their day.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Im still learning how to add a picture. bare with me ( is that spelled correctly?)

dog mountain

two posts in one day WOW! Yesterday Brian and I took a hike up to dog mountain. This hike is invigorating 3.4 miles straight up. It was very difficult but we accomplished it. The boys chose not to go (it was in their best interest). I love Oregon for all reasons but it is so great when we are surrounded with such beauty it truly is the greatest place to live. Thank You Lord for bringing us here. WE MADE IT TO THE TOP!

Happy Mothers day

Happy Mothers day to all the moms. I woke to the smell of something delicious and little whispers. Here come Cayden and Cameron (christian is 16 at a friends and not interested) its okay though. Cayden and Cam walk in with all this delicious food pancakes eggs and toast. They scream happy mothers day what a great surprise. I thank the Lord for choosing me to be the mother of these wonderful human beings, It is truly a great responsibility to be a mother and the most wonderful blessing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


If you havent seen Juno I highly suggest it. I fell in love with the movie. It hit close to home. I could totally relate. I was pregnant throughout my junior year of high school what she goes through with her family so funny. I wouldnt recommend to get pregnant at an early age it is very difficult. I am glad to see that she chose the right decision in adoption. I chose to have my baby who I could not imagine being without. Its refreshing to see a light hearted movie on a subject so serious and the outcome she chose I hope parents who have daughters that may be in the situation understand it is not the end of the world and encourage adoption there a many families that struggle to have babies. It is a tragedy turned to a blessing. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

ramble ramble ramble

just having an ordinary morning sipping coffee the kids are gettting ready for school and I will go to work later. I have a list of all the things that need to get done but choose to blog instead. I will get to the list later. I am going to enjoy my time the boys will be off to school soon and I will sit here in peace and quiet. I asked cameron to get his backpack, and I asked if he has money in his lunch account at school. He said " Yep I dont know how it happens all this money appears I just go up and enter my number and pop there is all this money It must be God". ( I write a check,it goes to the account) Its great ,their faith!

Friday, April 18, 2008

surprise party

Okay so I come home from work on Thursday evening at 930 and to my surprise I find flowers from the tree in the front yard, all over the living room floor in a pattern that was very carefully thought out. I said "Gee who made this great contraption?" Brian replied Cameron wants to see you. I go in his room he is fast asleep I will just see him in the morning. Friday morning he said "surprise this is a birthday surprise for you ,I thought you would like another birthday". His sweet little heart. Okay does anyone want to have a party and stay for the cleanup? Jennifer

Friday, April 4, 2008


Everybody beware christian is on the road by himself. I am so worried. This is the hardest Part I have experienced of motherhood. Im not sure if I am the only one. I guess they have to grow, but I am not ready to let go God give me strength. All prayers welcome.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Camerons funny stories

So Today is March 26. Cameron always has something so random to say. He asked if Today is March 15. I said no but what happens on March 15. He said it is forests birthday ( our dog). Where in the world did he come up with that. His birthday is actually in September for some reason today he really loves our dog and thinks it should be his birthday so he decides he will feed him (never feeds the dog) Says We have the bestest dog ever. Hilarious! He keeps me laughing.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

second time blogging

This is now my second blog. How exciting. Cameron is losing now his 2nd tooth. It is just amazing how quickly they grow. My brother and sister in law and niece are in town what a blessing. My little niece Madison is just a doll just one of the boys, she definitley holds her own around them. Cameron is crying and she is comforting him a little mommy. Just though I would post a note Blessed to all. Jen

Saturday, January 26, 2008

first time blogging

Hi all! This is my very first blog post.