I have not posted a blog in so long. I even have been tagged Im not sure what that means but it looks fun. I am not very computer literate it is not my specialty. I dont know how to link to other people. I will write 7 random things about myself but then I am not sure how to send it off to others anyway here goes.
1. I can never sleep on christmas eve. I have been this way since I was young, I get so excited I cant sleep.
2. I love to wake up at the crack of dawn and read and drink my coffee before anyone wakes up.
3. I am addicted to starbucks and coffee in general.
4. I have not had my natural hair color since high school. I love to change it all the time.
5. I have to talk to my sis on the phone everyday or every other. We are really close when we were little I hated for her to leave to go to friends I always had to go.This drove her nuts.(sorry sis)
6. One I am not proud of I repeated 8th grade.I never cared for school. Since kindergarten. I dreaded school EVERY DAY.
7. Someday I want to backpack through Europe. After I retire Brian and I want to be campground hosts at all the national parks.